Genevieve & Patrick

June 14, 2025 • Salt Lake City, UT, USA
93 Days To Go!

Genevieve & Patrick

June 14, 2025 • Salt Lake City, UT, USA
93 Days To Go!

The details/Q+A

What should I wear?

The dress code is outdress the bride/renaissance faire!

Outdress the bride: wear your fanciest dress that you don't ever have a place to wear it to.

Ren faire: armor/fairies/fantasy/medieval outfits are all encouraged.

Bring a flower crown!

We don't want you to have to buy a new outfit for this. Just follow this prompt if you can.

NOTE: you will be DANCING IN THE GRASS so probably don't wear heels! (or just plan on dancing barefoot)

There is a stream on the property which creates an evaporative cooling effect, bring a light jacket.

What about parking/driving?

Please, DO NOT DRIVE to the venue. There will be very limited parking in the neighborhood around Gen's grandparents. Also, the BAC limit in Utah is 0.05% (ie, you can get a DUI from ONE BEER) so please, don't get a DUI. We are happy to pay for Lyfts/Ubers for everyone back to where they're staying.

What is the venue like?

This is a fully outdoor wedding at Gen's Grandparents house! There is a stream which you're welcome to walk in. There is a backyard area where the ceremony will be. There is an extensive garden with a lot of active insects, sometimes deer and cute garter snakes. If you're allergic to bees bring your epi pen.

Where is the venue?

Don't use apple maps to get to the venue, apple maps can't figure out where the house is. 2904 E Millcreek Road SLC, UT 84109